JMT is very proud of the numerous honors and awards that we have received at the national, regional, and local levels.
Grand Conceptor Award
American Council of Engineering Companies/Delaware (ACEC/DE)
Claymont Regional Transportation Center
New Castle County, DE
Honor Award
American Council of Engineering Companies/Maryland (ACEC/MD)
Restoration of a Tributary to Gilbert Swamp Run
Charles County, MD
Honor Award
American Council of Engineering Companies/Maryland (ACEC/MD)
Traffic Signal Control System Modernization
Washington, DC
Honor Award
American Council of Engineering Companies/Maryland (ACEC/MD)
Claymont Regional Transportation Center
New Castle County, DE
Diamond Award for Water Resources
American Council of Engineering Companies/Pennsylvania (ACEC/PA)
Sharon Hill Stormwater Pump Station
Delaware County, PA
Merit Award
American Council of Engineering Companies/Virginia (ACEC/VA)
Horsepen Creek Crossing
Chesterfield County, VA
Merit Award
American Council of Engineering Companies/Virginia (ACEC/VA)
Tech Center Parkway Extension, Phase 2
Newport News, VA